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    Oral/ American Dream

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    Oral/ American Dream
    Message de cl00 posté le 02-05-2015 à 11:51:53 (S | E | F)
    Je suis en Terminale S et je passe mon oral d'anglais dans une semaine. Tout au long de l'année, j'ai fait corriger mes oraux par mon professeur. Or celui-ci a été absent ces dernières semaines et je ne connais personne d'autre pour m'aider.. je m'adresse donc à vous.
    Mon oral porte sur la notion Espaces et échanges et la problématique est "Is the American Dream still alive today ?"
    Merci de m'accorder un peu de votre temps.
    En rédigeant cette notion, je me suis demandé si l'on disait "immigrate to the USA" ou alors "immigrate in the USA".. du coup, j'ai dû mettre un peu des deux.. désolé..

    The world around us is characterized by the notion "Spaces and exchanges". Indeed, always, people conquered new lands which resulted in ethnic, linguistic, cultural and economic interactions. Today, the United States is the perfect illustration of the melting pot where all the different cultures are mixed. This multicultural society is a consequence of the American Dream.
    Today, immigration in the USA is still topical but we can ask ourselves if the American Dream still alive today. To answer this question, first we are going to talk about the reasons why immigrants go to the USA, next we will define the American Dream. Finally we will analyze different examples of immigration.

    First, people who decide to emigrate are the ones who know poverty, hunger, lack of water or even dictatorships. They dream to meet better living conditions which are political, economic or social. For example, Farah Naficy was born in Iran and spent her childhood during the revolution. To have more independence, her mother decided to immigrate to the USA and settled in California. Thus by being forced to flee from her native country, Farah Naficy became a political refugee. Another example is Nelly Rodriguez. This student, without papers, of Latin American origin arrived in the USA, children, to know a better future and a professional success. In the same way Fareed Zakaria, an Indian, was fascinated by wealth of the United States. He immigrated by careerism. But contrary to Nelly, it is his choice.

    Then these immigrants have a common point: they want to try their luck in the USA. All chose this destination because they are attracted by the American Dream. This concept was invented by James Truslow Adams in 1931. It is the idea that everybody can succeed in the USA as long as this person is courageous, hard-working and determined. No matter where this person was born or what his social background is, as soon as he has these qualities, he can become rich and successful.

    So like thousands of colonists, today, immigrants come to find the wealth and the glory in the USA but everything doesn’t still go as planned. Indeed, when she arrived, Farah Naficy felt as an outsider and was homesick. Immigrants have difficulties to become integrated and the exchanges between communities are rare. As for Nelly Rodriguez, she can’t obtain a title of legal residence even if she lives in the USA since numerous years. She would like to become an American citizen in order to study in the USA and take their exams and graduate. She need for it that the Dream Act is voted otherwise she might be deported. So for these two girls, the American Dream seems to be an illusion. However for Fareed Zakaria it is not the case. Indeed, after immigrating, he became a Harvard graduate and he is currently a contributing editor at Time Magazine.

    As a result, we can say that the USA with its greatness still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their life and to have a shot at the American Dream. Nevertheless, this last changed over the centuries, that’s why new immigrants can meet obstacles and difficulties. But the USA was created thanks to the immigration and is still a nation of immigrants. The American Dream is still alive today.

    Merci beaucoup de bien vouloir m'aider !
    Bonne journée

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2015 12:09

    Réponse: Oral/ American Dream de gerondif, postée le 02-05-2015 à 13:16:48 (S | E)
    votre texte se lit bien....
    vous avez fait du latin ?
    ex = sortir de
    in im = entrer dans
    On parle d'immigrés parce qu'ils viennent chez nous et d'émigrés (ex migrare) parce qu'ils ont quitté leur patrie.
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
    The world around us is characterized by the notion "Spaces and exchanges". Indeed, always, people conquered(mettez plutôt un present perfect: people have always conquered, conséquences présentes...) new lands which resulted in ethnic, linguistic, cultural and economic interactions. Today, the United States is the perfect illustration of the melting pot where all the different cultures are mixed. This multicultural society is a consequence of the American Dream.
    Today, immigration in the USA is still topical but we can ask ourselves if the American Dream still alive today. To answer this question, first we are going to talk about the reasons why immigrants go to the USA, next we will define the American Dream. Finally we will analyze different examples of immigration.

    First, people who decide to emigrate are the ones who know poverty, hunger, lack of water or even dictatorships. They dream (plutôt of + ing)to meet better living conditions which are political, economic or social.(maladroit : on a political...level) For example, Farah Naficy was born in Iran and spent her childhood during the revolution. To have more independence, her mother decided to immigrate to the USA and settled in California. Thus by being forced to flee from her native country, Farah Naficy became a political refugee. Another example is Nelly Rodriguez. This student, without papers, of Latin American origin, arrived in the USA, children( as a child), to know a better future and a professional success. In the same way Fareed Zakaria, an Indian, was fascinated by the wealth of the United States. He immigrated by careerism. But contrary to(mauvais choix, mettez unlike) Nelly, it is(prétérit) his choice.

    Then these immigrants have a common point: they want to try their luck in the USA. All chose this destination because they are attracted by the American Dream. This concept was invented by James Truslow Adams in 1931. It is the idea that everybody can succeed in the USA as long as this person is courageous, hard-working and determined. No matter where this person was born or what his social background is, as soon as he has these qualities, he can become rich and successful.

    So like thousands of colonists, today, immigrants come to find the wealth and the glory in the USA but everything doesn’t still(mauvais choix de "toujours" still, always, again???) go as planned. Indeed, when she arrived, Farah Naficy felt as an outsider and was homesick. Immigrants have difficulties (le dictionnaire donne difficulties with , j'aurais mis in + ing)to become integrated and the exchanges between communities are rare. As for Nelly Rodriguez, she can’t obtain a title of legal residence even if she lives in the USA since numerous years.(Ah ah! le present perfect avec depuis!! I have lived here for 15 years, since 2000) She would like to become an American citizen in order to study in the USA and take their(plutôt her, non ?) exams and graduate.. She need(oups, le S!!) for it that the Dream Act is voted(mauvaise construction: I need you to come!) otherwise she might be deported. So for these two girls, the American Dream seems to be an illusion. However for Fareed Zakaria it is not the case. Indeed, after immigrating, he became a Harvard graduate and he is currently a contributing editor at Time Magazine.

    As a result, we can say that the USA with its greatness still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their life and to have a shot at the American Dream. Nevertheless, this last(ce dernier ? soyez plus claire, this American Dream has changed)) changed over the centuries, that’s why new immigrants can meet obstacles and difficulties. But the USA was created thanks to the immigration and is still a nation of immigrants. The American Dream is still alive today.

    Réponse: Oral/ American Dream de cl00, postée le 02-05-2015 à 18:31:13 (S | E)
    Un grand merci à vous !! C'est très gentil et vos explications sont remarquables !!
    Je fais en effet du Latin et j'ai tout compris merci !

    J'ai juste un peu de mal avec la construction "I need you to come", il faut donc que je dise "She needs for it the Dream Act to be voted" ?

    Réponse: Oral/ American Dream de gerondif, postée le 02-05-2015 à 18:39:20 (S | E)
    ah, le for it mal placé vous a gêné.
    "She needs the Dream Act to be voted" est la bonne structure, pas la plus évidente.
    She would like to become an American citizen, to take her exams and graduate. for it (pour cela) est maladroit. In order to do that //to do that // to achieve that//, she would need the Dream act to be voted, otherwise // if not// she might be deported .

    Avec if, ça passait aussi:
    She will only be able to do this if the Dream Act is voted, otherwise....
    la proposition infinitive il me semble, vient du latin, c'était quand même un peu utile....

    Réponse: Oral/ American Dream de cl00, postée le 02-05-2015 à 19:15:28 (S | E)
    Oui tout à fait, on étudie bien la proposition infinitive en Latin.
    Thank you so much for your help !

    Bonne soirée

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