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    Bac/Myths and Heroes

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    Bac/Myths and Heroes
    Message de clem02 posté le 12-05-2015 à 18:21:01 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour !
    J'aimerais vous présenter mon script pour mon oral d'anglais la semaine prochaine. Je suis en Terminale ES. J'aimerais que vous me disiez ce que vous en pensez, même si je suis loin d'être le seul à vous demander ça en ce moment
    (les textes en italique ne sont volontairement pas rédigés) Merci beaucoup !

    I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I’m gonna give a quick definition of a hero and a myth. A myth is a fictional story related to a culture. For me, a hero is someone who helps people or do something impressive and who is really brave. Who are heroes nowadays? Indeed, there is a tons of definition of what a hero is. First, I’m gonna talk about fictional heroes and heroines. Then I’m gonna present what a real-life hero is and quickly present you Nikola Tesla.

    I)Fictional heroes
    Originally, a hero was a son of a god and a human in the ancient mythology. (examples: Achilles and Hercules). Concerning, mythical heroes like King Arthur, nobody don’t know if they have existed.
    However, (often) when we hear the term hero, it reminds us Superheroes. They appeared in the 30’s and have extraordinary power and abilities, a strong moral code, a costume, sometimes a secret identity etc… One of the most famous is Batman with his well-known villain “The Joker”.
    Now I’m gonna talk about real-life and historical heroes

    II)Real-life hero and Nikola Tesla
    An everyday life hero is someone who fights for good causes. It’s someone who makes a courageous action like rescue workers, or just ordinary people.
    Now let’s talk about Nikola Tesla: a historical hero. He was a Serbian inventor, engineer and physicist born in 1856. He is considered as one of the most brilliant scientist in technological history. He particularly worked on electricity. So he was a hero especially for scientists.

    To conclude, we can see that the common point between these heroes are that they are admired. Most of us can agree on the fact they deserve their renown.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2015 23:32

    Réponse: Bac/Myths and Heroes de gerondif, postée le 12-05-2015 à 23:30:27 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
    je trouve votre niveau de langue trop décontracté.
    I’m gonna give.....there is a tons of definition.....I’m gonna talk.... ça fait un peu bavardage entre copains autour d'un verre....

    I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I’m gonna give a quick definition of a hero and a myth. A myth is a fictional story related to a culture. For me, a hero is someone who helps people or does something impressive and who is really brave. Who are heroes nowadays? Indeed, there is a tons of definition(pluriel, s'il y en a autant!) of what a hero is. First, I’m gonna talk about fictional heroes and heroines. Then I’m gonna present what a real-life hero is and quickly(sûr que c'est du "quickly", 3 lignes! Moi je ne dirais pas un jour d'examen: je vais vous présenter vite fait NT.) present to you Nikola Tesla.

    I) Fictional heroes
    Originally, a hero was a(a ou the?) son of a god and a human in the ancient mythology. (examples: Achilles and Hercules). Concerning, mythical heroes like King Arthur, nobody don’t (si personne ne sait pas, alors tout le monde sait,)know if they have existed.
    However, (often) when we hear the term hero, it reminds us of Superheroes. They appeared in the 30’s and have extraordinary powers and abilities, a strong moral code, a costume, sometimes a secret identity etc… One of the most famous is Batman with his well-known villain “The Joker”.
    Now I’m gonna talk about real-life and historical heroes

    II) Real-life hero and Nikola Tesla
    An everyday life hero is someone who fights for good causes. It’s someone who makes a courageous actions like rescue(+ ing) workers, or just ordinary people.
    Now let’s talk about Nikola Tesla: a historical hero. He was a Serbian inventor, engineer and physicist born in 1856. He is considered as one of the most brilliant scientists in technological history. He particularly worked on electricity. So he was a hero especially for scientists.(Ne le connaissant pas,je dois dire que sa biographie ainsi présentée ne m'impressionne pas au point d'en faire un héro)

    To conclude, we can see that the common point between these heroes are(point est singulier) that they are admired. Most of us can agree on the fact they deserve their renown(n'est pas un nom).

    Réponse: Bac/Myths and Heroes de clem02, postée le 13-05-2015 à 20:31:06 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup pour votre correction. En suivant vos conseils, je vais tenter de bien retravailler mon texte.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais