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    Bac/myths and heroes

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    Bac/myths and heroes
    Message de constancepoi posté le 01-04-2016 à 20:33:19 (S | E | F)
    j'aurais besoin de votre aide s'il vous plait pour ma préparation orale du Bac. J'aimerais savoir si celle-ci est bien.
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    I tell you about the concept of myths and heroes trhough different document stidied in class. First let me give you the defition oh this notion : a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular befief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achevements, a superhero or maybe a real model or an icon. The sequence which is called the beat generation. The beat generation is the movement related to a group of writers on the margins of society in 1950's. Therefore it is questonable to what the beat generation was slidelines of the society ? To adress this issues, we will see at first the american society in 1950's and finally the ideas of the beat geneartion.
    In 1950's the american society just emerging from World War II and two models oppose when facing the world ; one captiatlist and the other one communist. Moreover the american society becomes a myth with "the American dream" thanks to mass consumption. In reality the american dream with te liberty for everibody is limited because segregation is present mainly in the southern states despite the series of laws that are contradictory as « separate but equal » and the society was puritans.
    The beat geneartion denies this illusion society. This group of writers are desagree to the American dream images. They advocate freedom and it is in that they are on the margins of society. They reject materialism and conventions. For them nothing is taboo drugs, sex, political, all topics are covered. Thus Allen Ginsberg in his poem Howl shocked all America.
    To close, it is rejecting all the values of society and its way of thinking and living that lives in the beat generation timing delay on the sidelines of it. But today their works have become classics of literature and ideas have marked the society and have had a great influence on subsequent years.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2016 22:42

    Réponse: Bac/myths and heroes de dumbouille, postée le 01-04-2016 à 22:30:30 (S | E)
    J'ai repéré quelques erreurs, la plupart sont des coquilles, je n'ai pas signalé celles dont je n'étais pas certaine.

    I tell (verb/temps) you about the concept of myths and heroes trhough (orthographe) different document (accord) stidied (orthographe) in class. First (virgule) let me give you the defition oh (orthographe) this notion : a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular befief (orthographe) or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achevements (orthographe), a superhero or maybe a real model or an icon. The sequence which is called the beat generation. The beat generation is the movement related to a group of writers on the margins of society in (article) 1950's. Therefore it is questonable (orthographe) to what the beat generation was slidelines of the society ? To adress this issues (pluriel ? singulier ?), we will see at first the american society in (article)1950's and finally the ideas of the beat geneartion (orthographe).

    In (article) 1950's the american society just emerging (temps) from World War II and two models oppose (verbe, adjectif ?) when facing the world ; one captiatlist (orthographe) and the other one communist. Moreover the american society becomes a myth with "the American dream" thanks to mass consumption. In reality the american dream with te liberty for everibody (orthographe) is limited because segregation is present mainly in the southern states despite the series of laws that are contradictory (lourdeur, simplifiez) as « separate but equal » and the society was puritans (accord).

    The beat geneartion (orthographe) denies this illusion society. This group of writers are desagree to the American dream images. They advocate freedom and it is in that they are on the margins of society. They reject materialism and conventions. For them nothing is taboo (ponctuation) drugs, sex, political, all topics are covered. Thus Allen Ginsberg in his poem Howl shocked all America.

    To close, it is rejecting all the values of society and its way of thinking and living that lives in the beat generation timing delay on the sidelines of it. But (ne pas commencer une phrase par "but") today their works have become classics of literature and ideas have marked the society and have had a great influence on subsequent years.

    - "The sequence which is called the beat generation." -> il faut terminer la phrase, ou changer le pronom. "Which is called the beat generation" est une subordonnée, et il n'y a pas de principale à "the sequence", donc ça ne fonctionne pas. Mon explication n'est pas très claire, mais c'est comme si tu disais "Ta télé qui est sur le meuble blanc." sans en dire plus.
    - Tu évoques Allen Ginsberg et son poème mais il sort du néant, cette phrase est inutile sous cette forme. Tu pourrai rajouter quelques mots pour mieux l'insérer dans ton paragraphe et coller au mieux à ton idée.
    - Quand tu parles des années 50, 90, ou autre, on écrit et on dit : in the 1950s, in the 90s, etc. ; in the fifties, in the nineties, etc. On ne met pas l'apostrophe qui n'a strictement aucune raison d'être.

    J'espère que ces quelques corrections t'aideront à préparer ton oral.
    Bonne soirée !

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