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    Oral/Idée de Progrès

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    Oral/Idée de Progrès
    Message de croger posté le 10-04-2016 à 15:54:39 (S | E | F)
    j'ai mon oral d'anglais dans deux semaines et étant plutôt très mauvais en orthographe/grammaire j'aimerais que quelqu'un de meilleur que moi puisse m'aider si possible à corriger mon texte d'oral pour le Bac sur la notion Idée de progrès

    I'll talk about the notion idea of progress
    To start I will give you a definition of this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as what the world has improved, developed in differents fields like the science, technology, art, quality of life. So the Progress improve the world and make it better. However progress can sometimes creates problems, debates, consequently I will talk about the advantages and disadvantages posed by the progress particularly in the field of science and medical research.
    1- The benefits
    First, we studied a coverpage of Time magazine that shows two identical sheeps, this is Dolly, which became famous for being the first animal cloned from a single cell. Dolly died at the age of 6 and had a normal life, her death is not linked to the fact that she was a clone. This clone is a great scientific progress because it is important for the production of GMO, we know now that we can create an infinite number of animals from one and so boost the production. In the medical field it could help in the fight against genetic diseases, making transplants, or even allow having children to infertile couples.
    This document shows that there is progress in science that can improve human life and that there is progress in new technologies.
    We studied a second document which speaks of PGD (pre-infantation genetic diagnosis) the PGD is creating laboratory embryos to eliminate diseases and choose the eyes and hair color of the future child, and his sex. This document shows a positive aspect of scientific and technical progress for the PGD allows to create the perfect baby without genetic diseases and with the desired characters by parents.

    2. Disadvantages
    But progress can have negative effects. Ethics is not always respected. For example the cloning of human beings may result in illegal organ merchant of the cloned people could become slaves, to be used for war. Another problem is that everyone is the same, with the same appearance.
    Then only the rich can afford to use new technologies such as PGD it creates social inequality. And to choose hair color, eye to create the perfect baby poses ethical problems because that's what made the Nazis during the Second World War and this removes the cultures and differences.

    Conclusion: In conclusion I would say that progress is neither all good nor all bad. I think the scientific advances will improve the conditions and duration of human life but it should respect ethical rules and create laws for this remains good. If progress are used for bad intentions they will not improve the world and will have the opposite effect.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2016 17:36

    Réponse: Oral/Idée de Progrès de laure95, postée le 19-04-2016 à 14:36:36 (S | E)
    - in différents (adjectif: pas de s) fields like the (enlever THE) science, technology, art, quality of life.
    Où est ta problématique?

    1- The benefits
    -First, we studied a coverpage of (from)Time magazine that shows two identical sheeps (pas de s, mot invariable)
    - Dolly died at the age of 6 and had a normal life, her (pas le bon possessif, un animal n'est pas une personne)death is not linked to the fact that she (pas le bon pronom)was a clone.
    - we know now that we can create an infinite number of animals from (a single)one and so boost the production.
    -In the medical field it could help in the fight against genetic diseases, making transplants, or even allow having children to (for) infertile couples.
    - We studied a second document which speaks (un document ne parle pas) of PGD (pre-infantation genetic diagnosis)
    - with the desired characters by parents: ?

    2. Disadvantages
    - For example the cloning of human beings may result in illegal organ merchant of the cloned people (who)could become slave
    - what made the Nazis during the Second World War: ordre des mots.
    Tu ne fais référence à aucun document dans cette seconde partie.

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