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    Fiche/Idea of progress

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    Fiche/Idea of progress
    Message de ratade posté le 25-04-2016 à 18:17:25 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour tout le monde !
    L'oral du Bac approche et je viens de terminer mes fiches. J'aurais maintenant besoin d'aide pour corriger mes fautes et mes tournures de phrases. Je vous mets juste après ma première notion.
    Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront

    I'm going to present you the notion of « The idea of progress». First of all, I'm going to give a definition. The idea of progress, basically, is all which consists in improving the world that it becomes better in differents fields such as the science, the sport, technologies… However, a progress isn't already good, there are progress negatives and according to the generation, progress can be varied. In my development, I chose to take the example of new technologies.
    How the new technologies can change the lifestyle of people ?
    In order to answer this problem, I will see in a first part, the advantages of these new technologies and in a second part, the disadvantages.

    Since the ninth century, new technologies appeared but they are differents according to the generations. First of all, when we ask to our grandfathers what do they mean behind new technologies, they answer the washing machine. Indeed, this invention is a revolution because now the linen washes alone and it doesn't there need any more to go in wash houses to wash it. So, the advantages of this technologies are saving of time and it's easier. The second example will serve us as transition between the two parts and is more current. Is about robots. As we can see it in the Real humans's trailer studied at school, the robots are able to work in factories, to cook diners,to look after the children, to do shopping, to walk the dog… So, they allow relieve the humans's day. However, in the second season of this series, there is a change of behaviour of robots.
    In the season 2 of this series, the robots rebel because they don't want to serve humans any longer. They would like to take the control. This robot's reaction remains only fictitious but it corresponds to what takes place in the real life today. Indeed, in French, we aren't still at stage where the robots were created resembling enormously at humans like in the movie Frankestien but machines were created and pulled an increase of unemployment rate. This machines serve to realize the same work as the humans but more quickly. The unemployment is a consequence of this new technologies. Among the desadvantages, we can quote mobiles phone, computers, social networks… The teenagers are the more affected about this new technologies. Indeed, a sentence characterizes this situation. It comes to Alone Together. It's a new concept because the people are already together but in their phones and so in their world.

    Finaly, we can notice that new technologies have advantages as disadvantages but witheout, the life will be different and according to the generation they aren't the same signification. In this way, I think that new technologies have advantages for the old persons because it'smore easy for them and less tiringbut it's a disadvantage for teenagers because they become shut out the world.
    So, we can us ask what are the limits of these new technologies and how the world be going to be in 20 years old with these permanent evolutions.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2016 18:23

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais