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    Lettre/ mère

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    Lettre/ mère
    Message de sarilou posté le 01-02-2017 à 17:53:04 (S | E | F)
    je dois traduire cette lettre en anglais; pouvez-vous la corriger s'il vous plaît?
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

    Bonjour maman,
    J’espère que tu as reçu la lettre d’hier. Tu ne me réponds plus alors que je vais de plus en plus mal. Je commence sérieusement à penser que nos lettres sont interceptés. Quoiqu’il en soit la journée d’aujourd’hui est pire que celle d’hier. Chaque jour est pire que le précédent. Après l’attaque d’hier et la mort de mon ami Jean, j’ai de nouveau été bléssé. Une blessure grave. Je suis donc maintenant à l’infirmerie et je ne suis pas prêt à aller combattre à nouveau.
    J’espère que tu te portes bien toi et papa. J’aimerais vraiment que tu me montres un signe de vie car je penses que ma fin est proche. Prends bien soin de mes deux enfants et adieu.

    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore while I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters will be intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the precedent. After the yesterday attack and the dead of my friend Jean, I was hurted again. A serious injury. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to fight again (ou to go to the front serait meilleur?).
    I hope that you are well you and daddy. I really would you to give a sign because I know that my end is coming. I think, I am sure that this is my last letter to you abd I am so sad to never see you again. Take care of my two little sons, I love you and farewell.

    Merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 01-02-2017 19:27

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2017 à 18:08:44 (S | E)
    Bonjour maman,
    J’espère que tu as reçu la lettre d’hier. Tu ne me réponds plus alors que je vais de plus en plus mal. Je commence sérieusement à penser que nos lettres sont interceptées. Quoi qu’il en soit la journée d’aujourd’hui est pire que celle d’hier. Chaque jour est pire que le précédent. Après l’attaque d’hier et la mort de mon ami Jean, j’ai de nouveau été bléssé. Une blessure grave. Je suis donc maintenant à l’infirmerie et je ne suis pas prêt à aller combattre à nouveau.
    J’espère que tu te portes bien toi et papa. J’aimerais vraiment que tu me montres un signe de vie car je pense que ma fin est proche. Prends bien soin de mes deux enfants et adieu.

    Erreurs en bleu
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore while(signifie pendant que, il vous faut un alors que au sens de mais au contraire) I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters will be (non, il faut un temps indiquant qu'une action passée a des conséquences présentes, un present perfect) intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the precedent (the previous one). After the yesterday(cas possessif) attack and the dead(dead, c'est l'adjectif "mort" il vous faut le nom) of my friend Jean, I was hurted( to hurt, I hurt hurt est irrégulier. to injure serait plus sérieux comme verbe au niveau blessure) again. A serious injury. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again (ou to go to the front serait meilleur?).(Le texte français dit prêt à, s'il avait dit: Je ne suis pas prêt d'y retourner, ce serait une autre idée. En fait, le texte de départ s'exprime mal)
    I hope that you are well you and daddy. I really would (manque le verbe aimer) you to give (manque à qui ils vont donner un signe) a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, I am sure that this is my last letter to you abd I am so sad to never(à inverser) see you again. Take care of my two little sons (donc deux fils, pas deux enfants (children) ), I love you and farewell. (Ce "et adieu" est assez brutal, on mettrait cela dans une lettre de rupture, là, ça grince un peu.)

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de sarilou, postée le 01-02-2017 à 18:57:04 (S | E)
    Merci! Est-ce mieux comme ça?
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore whereas I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters have been intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the previous one. After the yesterday's attack and the death of my friend Jean, I was hurt (j'ai mis hurt au lieu de injure ici pour ne pas me répéter à la phrase d'après...) again. A serious injury. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again.
    I hope that you are well you and daddy. I really wanted you to give me a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, I am sure that this is my last letter to you and I am so sad never to see you again. Take care of my two little sons, I love you and farewell.
    Ps: c'est une lettre d'adieu

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2017 à 19:06:17 (S | E)
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore whereas I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters have been intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the previous one. After the(à supprimer) yesterday's attack and the death of my friend Jean, I was hurt (j'ai mis hurt au lieu de injure ici pour ne pas me répéter à la phrase d'après... On pourrait dire, I was injured again, a serious wound)) again. A serious injury. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again.
    I hope that you are well you and daddy. I really wanted(pourquoi un prétérit ? ou alors, j'aurais voulu que tu..... I would have liked you to give me a signau sens de mais maintenant c'est trop tard) you to give me a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, in fact I am sure that this is my last letter to you and I am so sad never to see you again. Take care of my two little sons, I love you and farewell.(J'aurais mis, Farewell, I love you ! Ce and farewell est incongru, comme si on envoyait balader quelqu'un)

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de sarilou, postée le 01-02-2017 à 19:15:36 (S | E)
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore whereas I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters have been intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the previous one. After the yesterday's attack and the death of my friend Jean, I was injured again. A serious wound. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again.
    I hope that you are well you and daddy. I would have liked you to give me a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, in fact I am sure that this is my last letter to you and I am so sad never to see you again. Take care of my two little sons,Farewell, I love you!

    C'est bon comme ça? Et merci encore

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de gerondif, postée le 01-02-2017 à 19:35:53 (S | E)
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore whereas I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters have been intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the previous one. After the(supprimer ce the) yesterday's attack and the death of my friend Jean, I was injured again. A serious wound. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again.
    I hope that you are both well, you and daddy. I would have liked you to give me a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, in fact I am sure that this is my last letter to you and I am so sad never to see you again. Take care of my two little sons. Farewell, I love you!

    Réponse : Lettre/ mère de sarilou, postée le 01-02-2017 à 19:38:17 (S | E)
    Dear Mum,
    I hope you received the letter that I sent you yesterday. You don't answer me anymore whereas I am going from bad to worse day by day. I begin seriously to think that our letters have been intercepted. Anyway today is worse than yesterday. Every day is worse than the previous one. After yesterday's attack and the death of my friend Jean, I was injured again. A serious wound. I am now at the infirmary and I'm not ready to go and fight again.
    I hope that you are both well, you and daddy. I would have liked you to give me a sign because I know that my end is coming soon. I think, in fact I am sure that this is my last letter to you and I am so sad never to see you again. Take care of my two little sons. Farewell, I love you!

    Merci infiniment!

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais