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    Bac/Myths and heroes

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    Bac/Myths and heroes
    Message de lm1999 posté le 03-05-2017 à 12:18:27 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,
    A l'approche du Bac j'ai rédigé mes synthèses pour l'épreuve orale d'anglais mais je pense avoir fait quelques erreurs : quelqu'un pourrait-il prendre le temps de m'aider pour les corriger et également me relire ?
    Merci beaucoup d'avance !
    ( Je précise que j'ai enlevé la conclusion car il y avait trop de caractères )

    I am going to present the notion of myths and heroes trough the cinema.
    First of all I will give you a definition of this notion : a myth can be defined as a story that may or may
    not be true. All cultures have myths which have been developed over time. Mythology includes the
    legends of our history, our religions, stories of how the world was created, and our heroes. These
    stories have great symbolic power, and this may be a major reason why they survive as long as they
    do. A hero design a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble
    qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film as a person who has performed a heroic act.
    In order to illustrate this notion, I will attempt to answer the following question : How has the
    representation of US soldiers evolved through time ?
    To find an answer, I am going to present several documents that we studied in class about this theme.
    The first document I have chosen is a written testimony from a former US soldier, Larry Heinemann
    who fought in Vietnam : Black Virgin Mountain chronicles his return trips to Vietnam several years
    after the war. In this text, the narrator focuses on the Jonh Wayne’s myth : when Larry Heinemann
    was a child, John Wayne was a legend, but he explains that he never really loved this character,
    considering him as too patronizing. For soldiers, that was a caricature of the unbeatable hero, and that
    even became thoroughly an insult to be called a « John Wayne ». Indeed, he realised that in his
    adulthood in Vietnam, after having lived the real war, it was clearly different than a John Wayne
    movie, where the good guys are always winning fights against the villains.
    The world is actually not so manichaean and although John Wayne was a popular figure, symbol of
    strenght and epic fights, this character isn’t the most admired in our today’s society. In the late 60’s,
    the typical figure of the soldiers was strong and larger‐than‐life, so considered as a hero : fighting for
    its country was a brave gesture whereas today taking part to a war is really less honorable.
    The second document corroborates with this point of view. Indeed, that’s war movies reviews, written
    by the cinema critic Rupert Morgan in 2011 : he reflected on 3 war films, Three Kings, Jarhead and The
    Hurt Locker. In the first movie, the soldiers use war to their personnal ends and break the
    representation of fighters of freedom that they were supposed to be. In the 2 other films mentionned,
    soldiers are obliged to kill to feel better so well that they become uncapable to return to their former
    lives. Even if the narrator lets us make our own minds up about the subject, we understand that for
    him, war is more tragic than heroic.
    The 3 movies Rupert Morgan chose to talk about actually present pathetic or satiric characters who
    distort war heroes image. In our time, the majority of the people wants a world in peace : war is
    disapprouved as those who are responsible for it. The perception of the war evolved so as the
    humanity and in growing up after the Vietnam War, people began to be conscient of the immorality of
    these fights. Therefore US soldiers can’t be represent as heroes on the big screen anymore.
    Finally, I’m going to talk about an extract of the movie Full Metal Jacket, produced by the famous
    Stanley Kubrick and released in 1987. We analyzed in class the very first scene, which begin with a
    song only : this song makes you feel nostalgic. Then we can see pictures of some young men having
    their hair shaved : if we pay attention to their facial expressions, it matches with the melancholic tone
    of the lyrics. However, the scene goes on with the entry of the character Sergent Hartman, screaming
    insults and giving orders to the recruits : that clearly contrasts with the beginning of the movie. In one
    hand we have young US soldiers who look resigned, sometimes sad or sometimes happy, preparing
    themselves to go to the front, with a soothing song in the background ; and in the other hand we have
    the violence of the words used by Sergent Hartman, who ist almost frightening.
    This scene shows cynic situations where the war leads soldiers and through this movie, the filmmaker
    wants to denounce soldiers conditioning. In my opinion, we shouldn’t stop casting that kind of films
    which stage heroic soldiers, but this is true that people are fed up with violence, already too seen in
    the media : they don’t need epic fights anymore.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2017 21:34

    Réponse : Bac/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 03-05-2017 à 13:58:55 (S | E)
    - trough: orthographe.
    - A hero design: faute de conjugaison.
    - a person who is admired for their (pas le bon possessif)courage

    - he explains that he (has) never really loved this character,
    - it was clearly different than (pas la bonne préposition)a John Wayne movie (mal dit)
    - (article) symbol of strenght (orthographe)and epic fights,
    - In the late 60’s, the soldiers was (faute de conjugaison)larger‐than‐life ,
    - its (pas le bon possessif) country was a brave gesture

    - that’s (pluriel) war movies reviews,
    - heroes (marque de la possession)image. In our time, the majority of the (pas de the)people
    - disapprouved (orthographe)as (pas le bon mot) those who are responsible for it.
    - The perception of the war (has)Evolved
    - people began (mettre au present perfect)
    - Therefore US soldiers can’t be represent (participe passé)as heroes on the big screen anymore.

    - We analyzed in class the very first scene, which begin (faute de conjugaison)
    - with a song only (only n'est pas à la bonne place)
    - In (pas la bonne préposition) (article)one hand we have young US soldiers who look resigned,
    - ist
    - This scene shows (article)cynic situations

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