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Any and its compounds
ONE or MORE without being SPECIFIC or without IDENTIFYING:
Not difficult, is it? Therefore, why is it that 'any' is so often badly used?
ex : Any day will be OK for me... except for Monday!
ex : Barbara is 9 months pregnant! Her baby can be born at any moment.
*** After some verbs like prevent, ban, forbid => ANY is used to refer to an amount or a number of something, however large or little it is.
ex : He forbids any talking during his classes.
ex : She asked if you had any questions.
2) COMPOUND EXPRESSIONS, when added elements, ANY can take several different meanings:
Anywhere = in any place = PLACE
Anyone ou anybody = PERSON ( The verb is then in the singular, but the pronoun and the question tags are in the plural)
Anything= THING
Anyhow= anyway = MANNER
ex : I'm so tired I don't have any energy at all...
ex : He hasn't got any books about this topic... Can you lend him one?
The sentence replacing 'not any' by 'no' is as correct, but more emphatic ; it insists more on the lack.
ex : He's got no books about this topic... Can you lend him one?
ex : She asked if you had any questions.
2) COMPOUND EXPRESSIONS, when added elements, ANY can take several different meanings:
Anywhere = in any place = PLACE
Anyone ou anybody = PERSON ( The verb is then in the singular, but the pronoun and the question tags are in the plural)
Anything= THING
Anyhow= anyway = MANNER
ex : I'm so tired I don't have any energy at all...
ex : He hasn't got any books about this topic... Can you lend him one?
The sentence replacing 'not any' by 'no' is as correct, but more emphatic ; it insists more on the lack.
ex : He's got no books about this topic... Can you lend him one?
4) NO + noun = NONE
ex : 'Paul doesn't have any white shirts. Can you lend him one?' 'I'm sorry I have none.' = I don't have any (white shirt).
NONE is often used with 'OF + Nom /pronom' => none of you ; none of the girls ;
ex : None of us will wear a white shirt at the ceremony!
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