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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #107529: Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ...

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Speaking | Direct/Indirect speech | Questions [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Questions : how to ask them - Vocabulary: asking and answering - Vocabulary: on the phone - On the phone - Interacting with someone - Dialogue : What time...? - Conditional clauses
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    Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ...





       1) In order to build the interrogative form  of a claused using: - an auxiliary verb  (be, have)

       - a modal auxiliary (can/could, may/might, must, should, shall, will)

        The verb must be placed before the subject. It's a simple 'verb-subject inversion' :  BE/HAVE + subject + complements ?

    ex : Were you happy with him and are you happy now?  

    ex : Should I bring my own bicycle or will you lend me one? 

    ex : Has he got a green car or a blue one ?


        2) For the other verbs in the present or in the preterite, the auxiliary do/did must be used:

         DO/DOES/DID + subject + verb ?

     ex : Did you come by bus or by car? 

         ex : Does your brother prefer meat, or fish ?

         ex : Where do you live when your parents are away ?

         'Have' may be considered  a normal verb ; in that case, it will need ‘DO/DOES/DID' as an auxiliary.

         ex : Did he have his ID when he was arrested ? Of course he did!




    Used after a verb like 'to ask', 'to wonder' (to ask oneself), to know, when you ask yourself a question or when you report someone else's, 

    you MUST use the indirect interrogative form.

    The second clause is introduced by an interrogative word (who, when, where, what, how, whether, ...) and  THE VERB-SUBJECT INVERSION MUSTN'T BE DONE.

                         I wonder + interrogative term + subject + verb  => I wonder where he lives.

    ex : I wonder where all the kids have gone ...

    ex : He doesn't know where they will get off the bus. Don't forget to tell him!

    You MUST be very careful ... This is a very frequent mistake...



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    English exercise "Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ..." created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1) Please, tell me when ... How many pages do you want me to write ?
    2) Insistently, the police did ask the passers-by where but they couldn't tell. Could you ?
    3) 'How old ' 'I don't have the slightest idea! Even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell you how precisely . '
    4) 'Please, Mom, can me a story?' 'Yes, of course, I will, if you tell me a fairy tale or a short poem.
    5) Where Do you know it? Yes, he told me where , but I won't give him away!
    6) It's his birthday but I really can't remember how or where . Can you say it ?
    7) ' Where New Year's Eve?' 'I can tell you where , but not where ... I don't know ! Do you?'
    I'm sure you managed to do this exercise brilliantly !

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ...
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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