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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #110815: Means, results : a synthesis...

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    Means, results : a synthesis...

    As I had promised, here is the synthesis of the different tests and lessons preparing the difficult way towards the expression of "Means and Results". They're quite difficult and have a very bad reputation among students...That's why I had decided to make them gradual...  

    As promised too, you'll then have to face a test in which the different varied patterns will be mixed. You'll have to go slow and be careful!  

    For the scatterbrains who haven't found their ways to the prep tests, I'm speaking about : test ,  test , test  and test  " for long is the way that leads to success"...





    The verb indicates the means of doing the action, the way of moving or a noise going along with this movement, whereas the element expressing the result is  expressed by a particle, a preposition + a noun:

    - The Wetbacks were many to swim across the Rio Grande into the USA. 

    - The door banged shut because of the draught.


    * This precise construction indicates movement  and very often gives the possibility to know if the subject is getting nearer or getting away.

    - Quick ! Run upstairs... she needs  you ! 

    - Come in ... I've been waiting for you for long! 

    * When it is followed by « one's way », the verb indicates a difficulty to move, an effort to make in order to succeed.

    - The policeman shouldered his way through the crowd to catch the thief. 





                                                     SUBJECT + VERB + INTO/OUT OF + V+ ing (or NOUN)


    Once again, the way of doing the action is expressed by the verb which may be extremely varied, and the result is introduced by INTO (for persuasion) or OUT OF (for dissuasion).

    - Mat deceived his parents into signing the cheque he needed. 

    - We laughed him out of his plans. They were too unrealistic.


    3. MEANS - RESULTS :

    Contrary to the constructions of the sentences in French and other European languages, the means is always mentioned before the result. The chronological order must be respected. 

    - At the football match, he shouted (means) himself hoarse (result). 

    - The young mom sang (means) the baby to sleep (result).





    Well well!  You know everything, now ... Go for the test! 


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    English exercise "Means, results : a synthesis..." created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    You will have to rewrite the sentences given in the exercise, expressing the same ideas, but using the constructions rewiewed above. I know you don't like writing too much, and I've given you the different possibilities... Lucky You!

    e.g.0. The baby went to sleep. The young mom sang to him. >> .

    1. I told them the truth because they frightened me. >> .
    2. The soldiers went through the bushes. They crawled to the shelter. >> .
    3. Stop it! If you drink too much, you’ll be sick. >> Stop it! !
    4. --- The boy kicked the dog. The dog fell down the stairs. >> .
    5. The little girl rubbed her eyes. She had difficulties to stay awake. >>.
    6. He went to the South of France. He took the plane whereas she took her car there. >> there.
    7. It is said that Milton became blind. Milton read too much. >> .
    8. The anxious parents came into their newborn’s room. They walked on tiptoes to see that everything was normal. >> to see that everything was normal.
    9. Tim intimidated Lucy. Tim didn't want her to drink alcohol.>> .
    10. Patrick was so furious that he gave a kick. Patrick opened the door. >> Patrick was so furious that .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Means, results : a synthesis...
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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