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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #112619: In/ into - On/ onto

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    In/ into - On/ onto

    1)    IN ;  ON.

        ·        IN , refers to  a position inside something, when places haven't changed, for instance after such verbs  as to be and to stay.

         -         He was in the living room when I arrived. 

        ·        ON, also refers to the position of a motionless object.

         -         The kitten is on the roof. I wonder how it got there. 




    2)    INTO = movement towards the inside of something; ONTO = on after a movement; the two prepositions follow and indicate a movement or a direction.

    -         He threw the book onto his desk and left. 

    -         She tiptoed into the baby's room taking care not to wake it up. 

        BEWARE    : when prepositions are combined with the verb to turn:

    -         1) combined with « in »=> to turn someone in = to denounce someone to somebody

    - He was so exhausted and helpless that he turned himself in to the police.

    -         2) combined with “into”=> to turn something/someone into something/someone= to transform into something else.

         - Would you please turn this paragraph into a dialogue?

        BEWARE  In colloquial language, to be into something= to be very interested in something.

        - He's been into collecting stamps since his father  gave him his first precious one.






    There you are... Now ready to face the test, which, I am sure, you'll pass with flying colours! 

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    English exercise "In/ into - On/ onto" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. I’m sure he did it… I saw him putting your phone his pocket.
    2. Since I saw Hitchcock’s ' the Birds ', I’ve been afraid one might fly my room…
    3. Did you say the car keys were the desk or the first drawer?
    4. She was having a rest her garden when she saw a burglar get her back kitchen.
    5. When our beloved teacher walked the room, everyone stood up, and some students even climbed their desks as the boys had done “Dead Poets'Society”, but he ordered everyone down!
    6. The thief was so tired of running away that he turned himself the police.
    7. 'Oh dear! The kitten’s stuck the roof! How did it manage to climb the roof, I wonder… It’s so tiny. Do you think I can get this roof with a ladder? I know you have one the garage.'


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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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