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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #116479: Vocabulary, The sun: a friend or an enemy

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    Vocabulary, The sun: a friend or an enemy

     The SUN: our best friend... our worst enemy? 



    Summer has now arrived. For many people living in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is the «hot season».  For kids, this season conjures up visions of the sea, parasols, sand, and games... for others, it's the mountain or the countryside, wonderful hikes and discoveries. 

    Most of the time, but quite in an irregular way for a few years or decades, in summer, the SUN shines and brings heat, the pleasure of running in sunshine in his regenerative rays.

    Besides giving the pleasure of feeling it caressing your skin, the SUN doesn't have many benificial effects






      a shielded and moderate exposure to sunrays

      - may lower blood pressure.

     -  improves bone health (prevents rickets (rachitism) for the young and osteoporosis for the eldest).

     -  improves brain function.

     -  eases mild depression.

     -  regulates 

    sleep and 

    improves its quality.

     -  enhances the immune system.


    The SUN, is VITAL for LIFE on earth;  for all species, it's A REAL FRIEND.


    II) When the sun turns out to be DANGEROUS: two different  variables are quite important: the intensity of the sun's rays (they vary with the location, the season and the time), and the duration of exposure. 

    A few unpleasant consequences of the sun and excessive heat...

       A drought/ a parched out land

    To be dripping with sweat/ soaked in sweat   

                    To die of thirst *

     * In Donald's situation, you should have stayed inside and ... of course, taken plenty of water with you ...

      to be thirsty/ to drink your fill

     When there is a heat wave, it's vital to look for shade and shelter, to be correctly hydrated (drink more often and larger quantities of water...), refrain from any violent effort, hydrate your body and screen, put sunscreen, wear loose clothes made of cotton or natural materials.  




    The HEAT of the SUN can be ...

     Boiling  Scorching 
     Broiling Scalding
     Blistering  Stifling
     Oppressive  Steaming
     Roasting Sizzling
     Searing Sweltering 


    Here are the effects of too much heat and/or sun...


                  A heat wave  

       A heat stroke/ a sunstroke     

     To be sunbathing/ to bask in the sun


                  To be suntanned        

                To be sunburnt

                   A blister


    III) How to be protected from the sun and its consequences? 

    Clothes (and especially anti UV ones ) are the best protection against the dangerous effects of the sun. The body parts that can't be shielded from the sun by clothes, or which were sensitized, must be covered by a thick layer of sunscreen with a very high protection factor. "Total block" doesn't really exist and must be renewed every other hour and everytime you go to swim. 



                      A  sun hat    

              Sun glasses/ shades    

         Sunscreen/ suncream/ sunlotion

                             A fan

         Spurts of water in fountains



           Cool water with ice 

                 An ice cream

                    An anti UV shirt

    There you are!  So many risks and so much advice... 

    Let's remember that in the past, and still in some countries such as Japan, the cult of a very pale skin used to triomph and is still undoubtedly the universal solution. 

    The main point being  the defence of OUR PLANET EARTH, the constant fight against pollution, the transmission of these important stakes to our young ones so that what remains of the ozone layer might continue to protect our offspring for thousands of centuries.    



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    - Lucy and her cousins are soon leaving for the seaside. At school, Lucy has had a training to know how to protect her from the and their .

    She knows that in the sun, she must always wear a on her head (to prevent a ) and to protect her eyes.

    - The terrible sunbeams are named and are very dangerous.

    - The main prevention is the she has to protect her skin with. - It's a 50 + SPF because Lucy has fair hair and blue eyes.
    - Her skin easily and she doesn't want to be as as a lobster, have and .
    -She knows that the sun can cause permanent damages to the skin, including .
    - Yet, she wants to take advantage of its positive effects, especially that of , so that she can become a big and strong girl.
    - She knows that the sun can be life's , if the exposure to it is moderate and careful.

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