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Vocabulary: drinking... and eating
Today, our purpose is to study the different ways of drinking and eating... A strange idea, as we could imagine there's only one way of doing these two daily actions... and yet ... They all depend on the quantity of food or liquid ingested and of the way to act. Not all of them are to be imitated!
To sip tea= drink little mouthfuls (notice his little finger!) | A sipper = (for babies or sick people) | Swallowing liquids |
To gulp = (swallowing large mouthfuls) | To guzzle | To quaff = to drink heartily |
Kittens lapping up milk
To peck at food | To nibble | To chew |
To munch/ masticate | To swallow | To stuff oneself with... |
To swallow whole * | To choke | To vomit/ throw up |
* to swallow whole = to gobble up/ down = Those ways of eating are quite rude and may make you sick!
Eating an ice-cream, or licking it?
Here we are. Now, you know all the verbs which are necessary to have a wonderful grade at the test! Good luck!
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