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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #122222: Vocabulary: back to School...

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    Vocabulary: back to School...


    This is part of the cycle of life: "April showers bring May flowers..." but you also know: "After the summer break, no one's ready to go back to school!" 😥   Going back to school may be expected, hoped for, but also hated, dreaded, or downright loathed... We dare say that resuming school is the cause of many terrible nightmares, of the scare of the unknown (and of strangers), of anxiety (whether it's put into words, or not...)

    In order to fear the moment as little as possible, you have to get ready for it, going "shopping" as necessary, of course, but also preparing psychologically.

    That moment of the year is often an opportunity to turn a new page, to adopt new rhythms, and to face new responsibilities too... (, which may be frightening!  That's normal! ) Therefore, at that period, you must  THINK  POSITIVE..., strive to find the tiny element which will help you bridge the dreaded gap... Let's make sure we consider that moment as a "promotion" towards something better, accomplishing new objectives (even if they were set for us - for our good...  ) but which are going to give us more self-sufficiency, make us grow, whatever our age is...



               A wonderful apple to bite into...                              


    The school Year is divided into different moments, giving it a new rhythm...

     A term= 3 months A semester= 6 months
     To have Wednesdays off                                       A school visit                       
     The timetable  Back-to-school offers                                   
     The syllabus  A break/ a recess 


    1) BACK TO SCHOOL: Why do we have to go back to school? 

     To get a good education    The local education authority 

     To study

     To do some studying 

     A child of school age 

     A school age child

     Compulsory/ mandatory education                        The school leaving age                                   
     A school complex  A coeducational school 

    There, you'll meet a lot of staff (some people will be strict and frightening!    

    Teachers                                                             A school master/ mistress                               

     A supply teacher 

     A substitute teacher                                     

     A trainee teacher 
     To train  Private tuition 
     To tutor To coach sb for an exam 
     The headmaster 

     A careers adviser

     A counsellor 

    but mainly, you'll meet a lot of friends, of "pals", that you'll keep for a very very long time...



    Group work                                              Fun during breaks


    2) INSIDE THE SCHOOL: Visit the place, try to get to know it and not to lose yourself too often... Do not be late for lessons... 

     A classroom                                 A form 
     A gym                                                  The playground                                          

    - Inside the classroom: 




     A desk  A board 
     Teaching aids  To be late for school          

     To call the register                                          

     To call the roll

     Punctuality/ and Attendance                                      


    - Inside the satchel: prepare your schoolbag... Keep it organised and tidy...  





         A pencil case


     A satchel

     A school bag 

     Books/ Textbooks 

     An exercise book 

     A note book 

     A pencil case 
     A pen/ ballpoint/ a biro                                          A felt-tip pen 
     A highlighter  A pencil 
     A sharpener  A rubber/ eraser 
     A ruler  A pair of compasses                                                
     A protractor  A pair of scissors 



           Pairs of scissors                         Pens, pencils, highlighters           



        A pencil sharpener

    A lot of happiness, I hope, felt while getting ready for this dreaded "passage", that moment of initiation for each and everyone of us... In my opinion, you're ready..., which may not be the case for everyone...  "You're ready, little Lucy, arent' you?" 

    All of you, GO FOR IT - with THE FORCE - and ENJOY!    

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    1. In most European countries, education is till the age of 16.

    2. When school resumes, the first is always the most difficult one... You have to get used to a new rhythm, new people and new habits...

    3. In my school, the never changes: we always have sports in the afternoons and are for competitions...

    4. Every morning, you must very carefully and report the pupils who are absent.

    5. 'Our teachers say that is extremely important and that the students who are late are disturbing our progression.'

    6. 'Can you lend me a , please... I’ve made a mistake...'

    7. 'Oh dear, I’ve broken my pencil nib. Do you have a , please?

    8. You must use a to indicate the verbs in the preterite, please. Then, turn the sentences into the present.

    9. 'Come on, kids, would you please put your papers on my when leaving the classroom. Hurry up, Lucy!'
    'Oh dear... Mum, I don't think I'm ready for school after all... I'll come again next Wednesday!'




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