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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125231: Food and idioms 2
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Frequent mistakes | Idioms | Food [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Placement test beginners: Check your spelling - Past simple or present perfect - Vocabulary: at the restaurant - Although / in spite of / despite - Differences between Like and As - Again/ back - Fruits and vegetables - Eating out-Vocabulary
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    Food and idioms 2

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    English exercise "Food and idioms 2" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. Bless my soul ! How did she get the job of a manager, after everything she did ? !

    2. You smile at everyone, but your bad temper: so, I'm leaving you, good luck!

    3. We're married and you live as if you were still a bachelor. Sorry, I do !

    4. Are you telling me about her son ?... For sure, she !

    5. No, drop it, . I will pay the bill this time, next time, it will be your shout...

    6. You should if you want to save your couple. The efforts shouldn't be unilateral, but shared in a fair way !

    7. Her words are starting to me; I'm fed up with getting them everyday!

    8. Don't get involved in that, please. .

    9. When Cécile and Michel, in their forties, got together, all their friends because they had known each other since childhood!

    10. Corinne has to lose the accummulated pounds to nibble all last year, before her operation, otherwise, her surgeon will refuse to take care of her; then Corinne is .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Food and idioms 2
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Frequent mistakes | Idioms | Food | All our lessons and exercises