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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #125896: Contemporary Archeology 2
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    Contemporary Archeology 2

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    English exercise "Contemporary Archeology 2" created by baboune16 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from baboune16]
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    1. is the scientific method of dating tree rings to the exact year they were formed.

    2. The impact of the has made this technique one of the most significant discoveries in study of prehistory.

    3. is safe for use in public spaces; it detects metal or non-metal underground objects.

    4. dating of calcite deposits was used in different Paleolithic caves;it provided a timeframe for the probable age of paintings.

    5. dating has an upper age limit of 500, 000 years, defined by the half-life of thorium.

    6. includes drawings, paintings, engravings and geoglyphs.

    7. can be established for any object, especially if this object is subject to frequent changes and modifications.

    8. In archeology, the method is used to date potteries and other heated materials.

    9. is the residual magnetism exhibited by remains,used to determine their age and the former positions of Earth's magnetic poles.

    10. isotope ratios are used to differentiate between local and non-local populations.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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