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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #126059: Adjectives - Adverbs

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Adverbs [Change theme]
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    Adjectives - Adverbs

    Sometimes we can use two or more adjectives to give a lot of information related to a noun. In fact, those adjectives are introduced according to two groups : opinion and fact. 


    For example: 

    • OPINION like nice, bad or interesting 

    • FACT like long, little or young 
    Moreover, we can be noticed that adjectives follow a peculiar order before the noun. 
    1. Size : big, small, tall, short, long or large 
    2. Shape : round, fat, thin, slim, wide or narrow 
    3. Old : old or new 
    4. Colour : red, yellow or blue 
    5. Where from : Spanish, China 
    6. Matter : leather, wooden or plastic 

    Nevertheless, the adverbs are defined to describe about a verb. The adjectives are used to tell about the noun. 

    That's why, to distinguish them from adjectives, we must add -ly at the end of the adjectives. 
    For example:

    • Adjective : serious 
    • Adverb : seriously 
    However, after be, become, seem and get, the adjectives can be written ! 

    It's your turn to check your knowledge, good little new test.


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    English exercise "Adjectives - Adverbs" created by gfe1781 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from gfe1781]
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    1. Do you know this author?

    2. I feel when people throw their paper anywhere.

    3. Can you talk more , please ?

    4. He has lost your towel.

    5. Mrs Riley speaks ! I don't like it.

    6. When I was out there, I met a man.

    7. The musicians were playing during the meeting.

    8. The tea tastes . I like it very much!

    9. I bought a dress in that shop.

    10. They were before their exam.

    11. Don't worry, if you had known, you would not have offered me this T-shirt.

    12. He is dancing but I like it !

    13. We became and careful drivers.

    14. My grandparents have lived in a house.

    15. Some people behave in our society.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Adjectives - Adverbs
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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