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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129778: Vocabulary: speed and slowness

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    Vocabulary: speed and slowness

    In our present society where everything must be quick, fast, and profitable, ('Time is



    Money'), speed is fundamental. That's why it seemed necessary for me to review the

    different speeds when doing things...




     Quick/ fast/ rapid/ speedy 
     Quickly/ fast/ rapidly/ speedily                     
     Rapidity/ quickness/ speed 
     The 'impetus (stress on the first syllable)                                                               
     The momentum 




     At full speed/ at full tilt/ at full throttle/ flat out                                                            
     At a quick pace  
     In a flash 
     To flash past
     To hurtle past/ to zoom along                      


    2) ... ALWAYS FASTER: 

    - To speed along

    - Like a flash/ quick as a flash/ like lightning

     To run 
     At a run/ at the double 
     To tear along/ to spurt along                                                                                      
     A burst of speed 
     To accelerate/ to speed up 




     To be in a hurry/ to be in a rush
     To hurry (up)
     Hurry up!/ Be quick! 
     Haste/ in great haste/ hasty/ hastily                    
     To hasten/ to make haste 
     To hurry down 
     To hurry on                                                                                                                  

    - There was a rush for the door

    - To rush into a shop

    - To scramble out of the train

    - To dash in

     Precipitate/ precipitately                                                                                               
     A rush/ a stampede
     To rush
     To dash in 



    - There's no hurry! 


     Slow/ to slow (something) down                                                                                   
     To stroll/ to saunter
     To wander on 
     To amble 
     To plow
     To crawl along/ to go at a crawl 
     At a snail's pace
     To dawdle/ around/ about
     A dawdler/ a slowcoach
     Weary/ wearily 




    - Slowly but surely! 

    - At a gentle/ steady pace

    - Take your time ! 

    There you are!

    Choose your rhythm and your speed... Do it quicky, if you can...[ Quick and easy!]

    Come on! Go for the test! 


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    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: speed and slowness
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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