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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #36855: 200 irregular verbs and audio

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    200 irregular verbs and audio

    Easy... but do you know the other irregular verbs?

    A big thank you to  Hugh et Shirley for their recordings.

    Recording 1

    InfinitivePreteritePast participle
    InfinitivePreteritePast participle
    to abideabodeabodeto breedbredbred
    to arisearosearisento bringbroughtbrought
    to awakeawokeawokento buildbuiltbuilt
    to bearboreborneto burnburntburnt
    to beatbeatbeatento burstburstburst
    to becomebecamebecometo buyboughtbought
    to beginbeganbegunto castcastcast
    to bendbentbentto catchcaughtcaught
    to betbetbetto choosechosechosen
    to bidbidbidto clingclungclung
    to bindboundboundto comecamecome
    to bitebitbittento costcostcost
    to bleedbledbledto creepcreptcrept
    to blowblewblownto cutcutcut
    to breakbrokebroken

    Recording 2

    to dealdealtdealtto flingflungflung
    to digdugdugto flyflewflown
    to dodiddoneto forbidforbadeforbidden
    to drawdrewdrawnto forgetforgotforgotten
    to dreamdreamtdreamtto forgiveforgaveforgiven
    to drinkdrankdrunkto freezefrozefrozen
    to drivedrovedrivento getgotgot
    to dwelldweltdweltto givegavegiven
    to eatateeatento gowentgone
    to fallfellfallento grindgroundground
    to feedfedfedto growgrewgrown
    to feelfeltfeltto hanghunghung
    to fightfoughtfoughtto havehadhad
    to findfoundfoundto hearheardheard
    to fleefledfled

    Recording 3

    to hidehidhiddento leaveleftleft
    to hithithitto lendlentlent
    to holdheldheldto letletlet
    to hurthurthurtto lielaylain
    to keepkeptkeptto lightlitlit
    to kneelkneltkneltto loselostlost
    to knowknewknownto makemademade
    to laylaidlaidto meanmeantmeant
    to leadledledto meetmetmet
    to leanleantleantto paypaidpaid
    to leapleaptleaptto putputput
    to learnlearntlearnt

    Recording 4

    to quitquitquitto showshowedshown
    to readreadreadto shrinkshrankshrunk
    to ridridridto shutshutshut
    to rideroderiddento singsangsung
    to ringrangrungto sinksanksunk
    to riseroserisento sitsatsat
    to runranrunto sleepsleptslept
    to sawsawedsawnto slideslidslid
    to saysaidsaidto slingslungslung
    to seesawseento slinkslunkslunk
    to seeksoughtsoughtto slitslitslit
    to sellsoldsoldto smellsmeltsmelt
    to sendsentsentto sowsowedsown
    to setsetsetto speakspokespoken
    to sewsewedsewnto speedspedsped
    to shakeshookshakento spellspeltspelt
    to shearshearedshornto spendspentspent
    to shedshedshedto spillspiltspilt
    to shineshoneshoneto spitspatspat
    to shoeshodshodto splitsplitsplit
    to shootshotshotto spoilspoiltspoilt

    Recording 5

    to spreadspreadspreadto teachtaughttaught
    to springsprangsprungto teartoretorn
    to standstoodstoodto telltoldtold
    to stealstolestolento thinkthoughtthought
    to stickstuckstuckto throwthrewthrown
    to stingstungstungto thrustthrustthrust
    to stinkstankstunkto treadtrodtrodden
    to stridestrodestriddento understandunderstoodunderstood
    to strikestruckstruckto wakewokewoken
    to stringstrungstrungto wearworeworn
    to strivestrovestrivento weavewovewoven
    to swearsworeswornto weepweptwept
    to sweepsweptsweptto winwonwon
    to swellswelledswollento windwoundwound
    to swimswamswumto wringwrungwrung
    to swingswungswungto writewrotewritten
    to taketooktaken


    Find the missing word.

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    English exercise "200 irregular verbs and audio" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    1. Have you ever (to meet) this man before?

    2. Yesterday I (to bring) a cake to my aunt.

    3. It was written on the door : 'English (to speak) in this store.'

    4. My keys have been (to steal) !!!!

    5. I have been (to tell) you were the best at mathematics!

    6. My neighbour (to pay) cash for his house three years ago.

    7. The phone (to ring) but she was out.

    8. Last week she (to wear) an awful blue dress!

    9. We (to go) to the cinema with Paul last night.

    10. I have (to write) a lot of poems.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: 200 irregular verbs and audio
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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