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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #40760: Adjectives and adverbs

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    Adjectives and adverbs


    Adjectives are describing words. They tell you more about nouns.


    a young boy          a nice girl        


     This mouse is small.     My dog is brown.


    Adverbs are words that modify a verb.   (ad-verb; ad: near)

    Adverbs often answer three questions :    How?      When?     Where?

        Tom drives slowly.      We know 'how' he drives.     (drive:verb)

         It rained yesterday.      We know 'when' it rained.    (rain: verb)

      Jim is falling downstairs.   We know 'where' he is falling.   (fall: verb)

    Adverbs can also modify an adjective or another adverb:

       It is too cold!   (cold: adj)         
        He speaks
    very quickly.  (quickly: adv)



    ADVERBS ending with the suffix -ly

    ----  Adverbs are often formed by adding ly to an adjective:

    slow => slowly    //    beautiful => beautifully

      Tom has a slow car   (adj)      so he drives slowly.   (adv)

            This bird is beautiful and it sings beautifully.


    nice    nicely

    serious                             seriously

    careful                              carefully

    loud   loudly

    quick   quickly

    easy   easily              change y to i and add -ly

    happy   happily     

    terrible                             terribly             drop 'le' before adding 'ly'

    horrible                            horribly  

    terrific                             terrifically            for adjectives ending in 'ic' add 'ally'

    economic                        economically

    due  duly                        silent 'e' is dropped in 'true'   'due ' 

    - - - - - - -                          - - - - - -

     tip:  not all words ending in -ly are used as adverbs:

               friendly, kindly and lonely are adjectives as well.                    

    ----there are some important exceptions :

    adjective                          adverb

    fast   fast

    early  early

    low   low                  that plane's flying too low

    hard   hard          'hardly' is not the abverb from hard, it means 'not much'

                                                              He can hardly walk.

    late   late               'lately' is not the adverb from late, it means 'recently'

      have you been doing anything interesting lately

    good                              well               The adverb form of good is "well".

                                                             Youki is a good dog.   /   Sarah is a good student.

                                                             I do not feel very well.  /   Sarah is doing well at college.


    ---- do not use 'very' with adjectives like excellent, extremely, fantastic

    (if something is excellent or perfect there is nothing better, so you can't say very excellent or very perfect).

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