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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #83161: The sound [u:]

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    > Similar tests: - Pronunciation of final S - Main stress - Onomatopoeia - Spelling: J, G, GE or DGE? - Pronunciation of the final sound -ED - A few difficulties with pronunciation - CH phonemes - CH phonemes
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    The sound [u:]

      The sound [u:]


            American English Pronunciation

      Howie  is from San Diego (California)



                  Alix has a standard Southern British English accent

                            One sound, many spellings:

     ew  yew   /ju:/    to chew   /tʃu:/  flew   /flu:/   blew  /blu:/ 
     to screw /skru:/  crew   /kru:/  brewery  /'bru:ərɪ/ :  shrew   /ʃru:/

     oo spoo /spu:n/ fool (n.)   /fu:l/  broom  /bruːm/  cool    /ku:l/ 
     baboon   /bə'bu:n/  stoo /stu:l/  zoo    /zu:/   booth   /buːð/ 

     ue blue   /blu:/ true   /tru:/  to rue  /ru:/  flue   /flu:/
     bluebell   /ˈbluːbel/ clue   /klu:/ to sue  /suː/ glue   /glu:/

     ui cruise /kru:z/ bruise /bru:z/  fruit     /fru:t/  recruit  rɪˈkruːt 

     ou group   /gru:p/  sou/su:p/  through  /θru:/  bayou   /ˈbaɪuː/  

     u rude   /ru:d/    flu    /flu:/  spruce   /spru:s/   Zul  /ˈzuːluː/  

        canoe  /kəˈnuː/               shoe    /ʃuː/                         two  /tuː/                          who  /huː/           too   /tuː/              

     shoe  =>  /ʃ/       toe (orteil)  =>   /təʊ/         /       fruit  =>  / fru:t/       druid  =>  /ˈdrɪd/  
      clue  => /klu:/        barbecue    =>   'bɑ:bɪ kju:/         cruel  =>  ˈkruːəl      ...

           OO   2 letters, 5 sounds

        [ u: ]  [ ʊ ] [ ɔː ]  ʌ ] [ ʊə ]
      school  wood  door  blood poor
      moon  book  floor  flood moor
      food  good      
      tool  foot     
      cartoon  cook     




    Please use a dictionary in case of doubt.

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    Choisir l'orthographe correcte
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     Choisir le mot qui contient le son /u:/
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     Choisir le mot qui ne contient pas le son /u:/
     Choose the word that does not contain the sound /u:/

    End of the free exercise to learn English: The sound [u:]
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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