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Message de joy813 posté le 2004-10-20 11:23:23 (S | E | F | I)
Good morning everybody
Are you ready for an exercice ?

Complete the sentences using prepositions:

1. I don't know about you, but I'm fed ----- with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going ----- with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand ----- ?
4. It's ----- to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing ---- some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat ---- in restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look ----- children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look ---- ! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped ------ of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's --------. It smells horrid.

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de bridg, postée le 2004-10-20 12:08:19 (S | E)
Merci Joy

1.I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going on with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand for ?
4. It's up to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing for some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat in restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look after children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look out! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's out of date. It smells horrid

Edité par bridg le 20-10-2004 18:20
to stand for = représenter (sans contexte ça m'a semblé le + approprié)

Pour la 6 si tu veux diner en ville c'est "out" mais il faut suprimer le "in" de ta phrase proposée

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 13:13:51 (S | E)
Hello Bridg !
I sent you a mp to let the others a bit work
is my sentence correct ?

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de dolivera, postée le 2004-10-20 13:14:33 (S | E)
1. I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going on with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand up ?
4. It's up to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing for some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat in restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look after children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look out ! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's past its sell-by date. It smells horrid.

Edité par dolivera le 2004-10-20 13:33:02

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de dolivera, postée le 2004-10-20 13:35:41 (S | E)
Hi Bridg you are in the ONLY ENGLISH section so ...........

Thank you Joy

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 14:12:18 (S | E)
Try again : 2 - 6 - 10
For 3 : Bridg's answer is correct

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de bridg, postée le 2004-10-20 14:20:33 (S | E)
What's up Dolivera ? I don't quite get your advice . I ask you about information please.
If it was just about "merci" I think it was of no importance, even here

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-20 15:58:20 (S | E)
If it is for the word "merci", We don't care. It is just a forgetfulness. I am a scatterain too.

The spirit of law is observed.

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de yannloic, postée le 2004-10-20 16:04:33 (S | E)
I try

2. Have you heard that Jenny's going back with Peter ?

6 Does he often eat out in restaurants ?

10. I think this milk's over. It smells horrid.

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 18:03:18 (S | E)
Yannloic, your answer for sentence 6 is correct.

The second and n°10 are grammatically correct too, but I'm waiting for another suggestion

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de charleneb, postée le 2004-10-20 18:15:51 (S | E)
1. I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going out with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand up ?
4. It's up to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing for some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat in restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look after children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look out! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's ???. It smells horrid.

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 18:26:30 (S | E)
Charleneb, you found the second one ! You're a

to go out with (sortir avec quelqu'un dans le sens de devenir son petit ami ou sa petite amie )

but : n° 3 and n° 6 are wrong :
to stand for ==> to mean
to eat out = manger à l'extérieur ==> au restaurant

What about n° 10 ?

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 18:27:45 (S | E)
I m late
1. I don't know about you, but I'm fed (UP) with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going (OUT) with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand (FOR) ?
4. It's (UP) to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing (FOR) some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat ---- in restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look (AFTER) children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look (UP) ! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped (OUT) of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's (OUT OF DATE). It smells horrid.

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 18:32:32 (S | E)
Don't worry about that Morenita
You've made a good job !

I'm waiting for another proposition for n° 10

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 18:47:28 (S | E)
maybe it s outdated???
it s the same

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 19:00:22 (S | E)
Yes I know, out of date is a good answer, but I have another answer even it looks strange !

10. I think this milk's off . It smells horrid. (ref Headway )

Thank's for your participation !

Edité par joy813 le 2004-10-20 19:01:18

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de morenita, postée le 2004-10-20 19:05:47 (S | E)
I was thinking of it but I hesitated
I think that "out of date" is more suitable ,dont you think so?

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de bridg, postée le 2004-10-20 19:09:23 (S | E)
Yes Joy I though too to give you "off" but what Morenita says is right

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de claire1, postée le 2004-10-20 19:28:18 (S | E)
hello Joy813 slowly....
1)I'm fe up
10 off

it'is an difficult exercise for me,but I tried to do it!!

Edité par claire1 le 2004-10-20 19:29:17

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de traviskidd, postée le 2004-10-20 21:43:51 (S | E)
1. I don't know about you, but I'm fed up with this weather !
2. Have you heard that Jenny's going out with Peter ?
3. What does VIP stand for ?
4. It's up to you ! It's your birthday, you decide !
5. I'm just longing for some sunshine !
6. Does he often eat out in at restaurants ?
7. Babysitters look after children while the parents go and enjoy themselves.
8. Look out ! That glass is going to fall !
9. In 1964 Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule.
10. I think this milk's out (??? I would say stale). It smells horrid.

Edité par traviskidd le 2004-10-20 21:45:04

Réponse: re:Preposition Ex. de joy813, postée le 2004-10-20 22:02:18 (S | E)
I totally agree with you Morenita and Bridg : out of date is more suitable ( I chose this answer too , but in the book it was off



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