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Message de papispa posté le 2004-11-19 17:59:18 (S | E | F | I)
Papispa is my father. Last week he suffered a severe heart attack (une attaque de le coeur?) and is in the hospital. He can’t read, write or speak. I think he is able to hear me, so I will take your letters and read them to him. I don’t know any French but I will try. When he is better, I am sure he will write to you.
Thank you,
Chris U.

Edité par webmaster le 19-11-2004 18:12
Papisca est mon père. La semaine dernière, il a eu une grave crise cardiaque et il est à l'hôpital. Il ne peut pas lire, ni écrire ni parler. Je pense qu'il peut m'entendre, aussi je lui aménerai vos lettres et les lui lirai. Je ne connais pas le français mais j'essayerai. Quand il ira mieux, je suis sûr qu'il vous écrira.
Chris U

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de webmaster, postée le 2004-11-19 18:10:22 (S | E)
Thank you for your message.
Very sad news.
papisca is very friendly, he helps a lot of our members who are learning English. He gives them advice and helps them to build better sentences.

I'm really sad and I hope that his health will improve quickly.

I'm sure we can do something by writing warm messages to him.

My best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Edité par webmaster le 19-11-2004 18:15
papisca aide beaucoup de personnes sur le site, que ce soit par messages privés ou sur le forum. Je compte sur vous pour lui adresser vos messages de soutien, que ce soit en anglais ou en français. Merci beaucoup.

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de minouche15, postée le 2004-11-19 18:52:59 (S | E)
Yes, it's very, very sad news ... but thanks to you, we can tell him our good wishes for his recovery... and of course, we hope to find him again here .
Friendly from britany .

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de coco61, postée le 2004-11-19 18:57:11 (S | E)

I don' t actually know your father but I hope he will get better very soon.
He seems to be a very kind man and I hope everyone he helped will send him a kind recovery message.
I hope I translated this right:

Chance favours the mind which is well prepared.

May be everybody could send you their favourite saying to read to your Dad.


Réponse: re:papispa will write you de maxou62, postée le 2004-11-19 19:17:19 (S | E)
Very sad news !!! I'm really with you and I know that he will be fine again....
You can tell this to him :

Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous et nous savons que tout va bien se passer ! Vous allez revenir en pleine forme mais pour le moment il faut vous ménagez et beaucoup de repos surtout !
Nous espérons que vous serez bientôt de retour parmis nous....
Nous sommes avec vous et souhaitons, à vous et à votre famille, un bon courage...

Kisses and courage.


Réponse: re:papispa will write you de bridg, postée le 2004-11-19 20:06:59 (S | E)
Hi papispa I read you and I send you a mp

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de claire1, postée le 2004-11-21 00:44:12 (S | E)
hi Papispa
you are a and I'm sure you're getting better very soon,and you help me to learn English .
best wishes from claire 1

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de serena, postée le 2004-11-21 01:00:22 (S | E)
Hi Chris !

I don't personally know your father, but I used to write down all what he gave as lessons and advice in the forum. Your message really upset me. I wish him a quick recovery, I'm sure he can hear you, you know.
I Hope he'll be back very soon.
Be sure that we'll still be here to help him, he really deserves this, and even more. I do wish I could do something else.

I'm going to send him a PM, at once.

See you for good news.

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de marie37400, postée le 2004-11-21 20:36:13 (S | E)
Hello Chris,
I read your message about Bill, and I'm very moved. Please, could you tell him that Marie from Amboise is going to write to him again very soon and give him my best thoughts.

JoAnne, you and all the family have my deepest sympathy.


Réponse: re:papispa will write you de kayrol, postée le 2004-11-21 22:26:06 (S | E)
Hi Papispa,
We all think of you, and you are awaited back on the site.
All our best wishes for a speedy recovery,

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-22 12:45:52 (S | E)
Bonjour Chris,

J'ai lu tous les messages et je voulais ajouter ceci pour votre père:

reposez-vous bien, faites-vous pleins de beaux paysages en vision, choisissez en imagination un endroit que vous aimez beaucoup (moi j'adore faire ça pour me reposer je vois une belle chute d'eau et je deviens plus calme..., je l'entend aussi ...), des fois aussi je vois un beau soleil et je souri, et quand vous irez mieux j'aimerais que vous nous racontiez quel est votre paysage préféré.

En attendant de vous lire je vais vous dire aussi que je prie pour vous Papisca (Bill) c'est ma façon de vous aider parce que je suis trop loin pour aller vous visiter.

Vous êtes chanceux vous avez toute votre famille qui est là avec vous ça c'est vraiment important c'est ça que mon grand-père dit la famille c'est ce qui compte le plus.

J'aimerais bien si quelqu'un pouvait traduire corriger ou compléter la traduction. Merci!!!

Dear Chris
I read every messages and I would like to add it:

Take it easy, and look in your imagination for a beautiful scenery, choose the best you like (..........) myself I took a beautiful sun too, and when you come better you could tell to us what your prefer scenery.

Meanwhile to read you, I would like to telle you I pray for you, ........because I can't visit you.

Family is most important and you have a nice family ....

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de cocoon, postée le 2004-11-22 13:32:33 (S | E)
Speedjo, je vais t'aider à traduire mais je ne vais rien rajouter, car c'est un très beau message et qui plus est, il vient du fond de ton coeur, alors, je ne pense pas avoir le droit d'y rajouter quoi que ce soit.

Dear Chris,
I read all the messages and I wanted to add this one for your father:

Take a rest, imagine you take a wonderful trip to the most beautiful place you know (I love doing this when I'm tired, and I see a waterfall, and then I calm down..., I also hear it...) and sometimes I see the sun and I smile, and when you are better I would like you to tell us what your favourite landscape is.

Until I read you I also wanted to tell you that I pray for you Papisca (Bill), this is my own way to help you because I live far from you and I can't visit you.

You are very lucky because your family is here to help you, and this is the most important thing, and my grandfather says that the main thing is to have a family.


Edité par cocoon le 2004-11-22 13:33:45

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de speedjo905, postée le 2004-11-22 20:36:17 (S | E)

Thank you so much Cocoon !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's very perfect.

When I could speak english easier I would like to tell to you I'm very grateful about that.

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de vanina, postée le 2004-11-22 23:12:51 (S | E)
We are all thinking about papispa and we are eager to see him again, we're waiting for him. Good and speedy recovery.

Réponse: re:papispa will write you de papispa, postée le 2004-12-05 14:29:32 (S | E)
Thank you all for your kind letters and concern. The news is not good. While helping to put out a fire Dad apparently inhaled ashes and smoke which led to a lung infection. He has been moved to a hospital in Massachusetts.
Sorry for not writing sooner. I will let you know how he is doing.
When he was awake last week, he said to give you all a message. I don't speak French, but this is what he wrote:
"MERCI pour tout."


Réponse: re:papispa will write you de claire1, postée le 2004-12-05 16:16:50 (S | E)
hi chris thanks for your message about your father's health...bad news...but I send my best thoughts,,,,I hope you''ll be again on the site
I wish a speedy recovery for your father papisca


Réponse: re:papispa will write you de marie37400, postée le 2004-12-05 16:58:26 (S | E)
Hi Chris,
Many thanks for letting us know about Bill. Please tell him that Marie from Amboise won't forget him and she keeps thinking of him very often with the most sincerely hope to see him again very soon on the site.

Thanks in advance for telling us about his health, Chris.




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